The Street of Crocodiles and Other Stories - Bruno Schulz, Celina Wieniewska, Jerzy Ficowski, Jonathan Safran Foer

Street of Crocodiles is a very haunting book, and the author's life story is even more bizarre. He was an artist and writer living in a Poland in 1941 under the occupation of the Nazis. He was kept alive because a particular officer liked his art. However, he was murdered by another officer when he was out one day. There seems to be a sort of cult for his works.

The book (Street of Crocodiles) centers around a family or very strange characters. The father who is quiet mad, imports rare bird eggs to hatch in his attic, believes that tailors' dummies should be treated like people, and has an obsessive fear of cockroaches.
Don't buy it. Just read it online along with his other works called Cinnamon Shops.

(I stole this info so I wouldn't forget)